What is raw foods: Raw Foods are foods that contain enzymes. Enzymes are the nutrients that assist in digestion and absorption in food. That means heating any food over 116 degrees F is no longer considered raw. Foods that are raw consist of all fruit, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, sea vegetables and anything else that has not been processed.
A group of 25 enjoyed the works of Rabbit Mafia's and Sweet Potatoe Bakery's 3 course raw dinner, made with handpicked local ingredients at Bridget (Williamsburg).
On the menu for July 15, 2009:
Papaya Lime Soup
Cucumber Agave Juice
Duo Summer Corn Tacos
Spiced Chocolate Mousse Duo Summer Corn Tacos

1B. Cucumber Agave Juice--refreshing. Tasted sweet with the agave, cleansed the palate.

(Un)fortunately, Rabbit Mafia and Sweet Potatoe Bakery do not always do raw foods. However next month is ceviche, and you know its going to be good.
Find out more at: www.rabbitmafia.com