Ive eaten at 20 supper clubs so far, and Brooklyn Edible Social Club will always be my first and ultimate favorite underground dining experience. An intimate group of 12, 1 dining table, and a chef that could get the Amy Sedaris Best Host Award.
For this past Saturday's 5 course meal, we had:

Amuse Bouche: Mackerel Tartare as a palate tease. One perfect spoonful.

Heirloom Tomato & Peach Salad: Sweet basil, peppermint, chives, chevre, cheese, sherry vinaigrette. I have highly dislike raw tomatoes until now. Just have to make this recipe each time to eat it.

Sweet Corn Veloute: Hooligan Cheese, Pumpernickel Croutons, Wildflower Honey-- mix of sweet and savory.

Pan Fried Spanish Mackerel: Chickpea-smoked-bacon-tuscan kale casoulette, aromatic rice, five rosted red pepper vinaigrette. Bacon and fish always make a perfect combo.

Seared Moulard Duck Magret: Roasted squash tartine, purslane salad, chipotle-maple-jus. See above commentary.

Matzuma Plum Pie: ginger infused hot chocolate. Is Andres a pastry chef too?
There are events in life you never forget: your first kiss, first car and your first supper club.
If you had to choose one, go to this one:
Brooklyn Edible Social Club
Lefferts Garden, Brooklyn
$65 including pre-cocktail