Our FunList group of 9 met up in midtown, rented a van, and made a 10.2 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail through rolling farmland, woodlands, and a hike up to an incredible vista overlooking the Hudson Valley. Mud, wooden planks, rocks-- you name it, we walked it.

After 2 hours up, we finally reached a landing overseeing this beautiful view.

And then we shared our sandwiches. Trading lunches is like the advanced version of potluck transitioning to the sophistication of supper club.

4 of 9: Top Left to Bottom Right: Chicken Parmesan Wrap, Turkey on a Roll, Peanut Butter and Honey, and Ham, Lettuce Tomato on a bun.
5 hour hike allows you to eat all the Supper Clubs you want!