"Never eat an insignificant meal again"--Jeff Zalaznick
What is Underground Dining:
Underground Dining has chronicled adventures in food since 2009. We are based in New York but if home is where the tummy is, this site covers the world. Join us especially as we tuck into the growing world of home hosted dining (aka speakeasy cuisine aka supper clubs aka home bistros aka pirate restaurants aka guerrilla dinners aka WE LOVE ‘EM!).
Who goes to these events?
The invitation usually seats an average of 12 guests-- some up to 75 depending on space.
This is a social event, sitting at one big table or multiple tables, with people who love food and adventure.
You can bring friends or dine solo amongst strangers-- I go by myself for the most part and have always survived and made new friends!
**Please be punctual as a courtesy to your fellow diners. We all eat at the same time.
Who cooks?
The hosts. Even though not all are certified chefs, itll probably be one of the best meals youve ever had-- or at least a great experience.
What kind of food is served?
Each dish served is individual and uniquely prepared--the menu never duplicates. Usually 3 to 6 courses are served with BYOB or complimentary cocktails (varies on supper club). Most hosts will accommodate menus for those with allergies.
How much does this cost?
Costs range from $25 up to over $100. It's worth every penny.
How do I join?
Instead of making reservations by phone, you paypal the host and wait for an email disclosing the location of the dinner party. You can find out which supper club to attend on my link list. Or subscribe to my blog, Ill keep you posted!
Post me any additional comments/ questions you have!
contactblogemail (at) gmail (dot) com
© 2009–2012 Underground Dining