1. First things first-- bowling season with the magnificent New York City Social Sports Club is over! (They have more events lined up-- click and join!)

2. Out of 32 teams my team (Gym, Tan, Laundry) ended up ranking........ #31-- whoo hoo!!!!!
We worked really hard for that.
At one point we actually did rank last as #32 and even got an award :)
Our best game was actually our last (pictured above) after taking shots of whiskey.
3. I never rolled 100. I know. I blame my ear infection. My worst score was a 37! But once I was cured, rolled a 93 on my last game.

However, our team captain Lisa (thanks for the pics) pulled through for all of us and started bowling OVER 100-- I think the last one was 135??? El Capitan! El Capitan!
4. We will miss our weekly Brooklyn Bowl and Blue Ribbon food.

5. More fun pics from our last game found here:

We have one free game next Monday, but that doesnt change our ranking. Oh well. Good Times! In another week, it will be skee ball season!